11 great indoor games to play with your toddler

It may feel like we have been trapped indoors forever, but it has only been a few weeks. Our little man has already grown out of a few of his toys and the pressure is on for us to keep him entertained until the world opens up again.

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Here are just a few of my favourite ways to keep our toddler happy and playing through isolation.

  1. Balls. Simple but highly effective, we have a large variety already in house which makes this so simple. Robbie will quite happily run, fetch and throw balls with us all day long which can get a little tiring but keeps him smiling!

2. Inventing new toys. This can take a little bit of crafting skills or imagination. If neither of these work for you, Google generally has the answer to most problems. Our most popular creation so far has been a ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ clock set and mice that we made using a cardboard tube from a used kitchen roll and some old socks. So easy to make but Robbie is delighted every time a new toy appears!

3. Play dough. This one doesn’t take a lot of explaining as I’m sure most are familiar with play dough. There are endless games to play and shapes and figures to be made. It is pretty cheap to buy but also very easy to make your own play dough too.

4. Books. Robbie is of course nowhere near the age where he can read but this does not stop him loving books. Anything with bright pictures is a real winner for him and also buys us a little bit of much needed quiet time later on in the evening. We have recently been using Leapfrog learning books which have been amazing for his development and I would recommend these to anyone with young children. These are sound books where the child can tap a picture and it will either make the noise or say the relevant letter or number, they’re awesome! Click the picture below to see their full range.

5. Art. Toddlers are not renowned for their art skills but their creative minds are still flowing. We are happy to give our little man crayons and paper and let him make his masterpieces. He also loves his magic board where he can scribble away and wipe it clean all by himself.

6. Dancing. Who doesn’t love a good dance! Nursery rhymes, Disney classics and a healthy mix of YouTube kids songs keep us jumping around and burn off a lot of excess energy for the little boss man.

7. Another crafty one, moon sand. Again this can be bought ready made but is so simply to knock up yourself and older kids could even help out with preparing it.

8. Building blocks. An old classic but you really can’t go wrong with these. There are so many varieties of these ranging from complex Lego constructions through to basic blocks with letters and numbers which are ideal for the early stages of learning. Our Mega Blox train is a really popular with the little man as it combines blocks with his current favourite, vehicles. Even better that many kids will play alone with these and give you the little break you really need.

9. Peek-a-boo. Sometimes the best entertainment requires no props at all. This timeless classic always helps to make your child laugh, which in turn brings a smile to your own face. Everyone’s a winner!

10. Bubbles. Basic, simple, but oh so effective. Kids just love bubbles! We have all types of devices for all of our bubbly needs. The basic bottle and stick is great for engaging with Robbie but we also have a fantastic bubble train set as well as a little machine that he can turn on and off himself.

11. TV. It’s not cheating, honest! Find a show or channel that your child will sit and watch and put your feet up with a glass of wine (Other drinks are available) You deserve it.

If you still need more activities check out these simple craft ideas and remember, parks and schools will be open again soon and we can all breathe a sigh of relief!

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